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Determination of chlorate and perchlorate in food and baby food
July 26 2022

Determination of chlorate and perchlorate in food and baby food


Chlorates are chemical compounds that can be used in pyrotechnics combined with high combustible substances; however, they are often particularly unstable. In food, the presence of chlorate can result from use in plant protection products or from chlorine-treated process water or the use of sanitizing agents containing chlorine. Being found in water, the greatest risk of contamination primarily affects fruits and vegetables, foods that are frequently washed.

Perchlorates are chemical compounds of natural or anthropogenic origin and can be used in pyrotechnics or for the production of Food Contact Materials. They are stable, water-soluble chemical contaminants that can therefore contaminate fruits and vegetables.

Chlorate and perchlorate pose a danger to human health, both in the event of chronic exposure (which can inhibit iodine uptake thus an endocrine disruptor) and in the case of acute exposure (which could limit the blood’s ability to absorb oxygen and lead to kidney failure). Used for water sanitization or derived from inorganic fertilizers or from natural occurrence in some raw materials, such compounds can easily enter the food chain.

EFSA opinion and maximum levels

In 2014 and the following years, studies and surveys were carried out and monitoring data were collected by EU Member States to identify the risk of consumer exposure to chlorate and perchlorate. Because of the exposure and occurrence data, in 2020 it was concluded that there was a need to introduce legal limits, with a focus on more vulnerable population groups such as infants and young children.

  • Regulation (EU) 2020/685 amending Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of perchlorate in certain foods, including infant formula, follow-on formula, and food for special medical purposes.
  • Regulation (EU) 2020/749 amending Regulation (EC) 396/2005 as regards Maximum Residue Limits for chlorate in or on certain foodstuffs. In the specific case of chlorate, MRLs were set at a level that was “as low as reasonably achievable” because they did not result from pesticide residues, but from the use of sanitizing chlorine solutions necessary for the protection of public health.

Mérieux NutriSciences analytical services

Mérieux NutriSciences residual chemistry laboratories are able to support agribusinesses in the determination of chlorate and perchlorate in foods, including infant formulas, follow-on formulas, and Foods for special medical purposes, by HPLC/MS achieving limits of quantification of 0.005 mg/kg for chlorate and 0.001 mg/kg for perchlorate.

For more information regarding analytical solutions, contact us.

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