Analysis of radioactivity in water
The European Euratom legislation and subsequent national transpositions establish the minimum requirements for the protection of the health of the population in relation to the radioactive substances present in water intended for human consumption. The laboratories of Mérieux NutriSciences provide the parameters to detect the following: tritium concentration, Indicative Dose (evaluable through total alpha and total beta activities) and radon concentration through the low-level liquid scintillator.
Likewise, for other types of water, both the low-level liquid scintillation analysis and the gamma-emission radionuclides screening are available, the latter aimed at identifying and quantifying the main radioactive elements of natural and/or artificial origin present in the water.
The high level equipment used in the laboratory is composed of: high resolution gamma spectrometers with high efficiency, high-purity germanium detector (HPGe), and a low-level liquid scintillator equipped with alpha/beta discrimination.