Chemistry Food Testing Solutions
Our international network of accredited laboratories provide reliable, standardized analytical chemistry testing services to ensure the quality of your food products.
Mérieux NutriSciences’ multidisciplinary teams bring a deep understanding of nutritional chemistry and current food industry regulatory requirements to your new product development, quality control programs and safety analyses.
Commonly Tested Food Matrices
- Meat
- Fish
- Dairy
- Water
- Beverages
- Fruit and vegetables
- Cereals and nuts
- Ingredients and additives
- Animal feed
- Finished products
- Food contact material
Our laboratories supply fast turnaround times and expert data interpretation to help ensure product quality.
We use a wide array of instrumentation and technologies, such as LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, real-time PCR, HPLC and more, to provide expert testing for all types of food contaminants and residues. We also offer specialized services for allergens, animal species detection and GMOs.
If you’re developing a new product, reformulating an existing one we can partner with your R&D teams and quality experts to meet your business needs.
Looking for another type of test? Ask about the full range of testing capabilities available in our analytical chemistry portfolio.
For more details on our Chemistry Food Testing Solutions, contact our experts today: