Takeaway from the Sustainable Retail Summit 2023 Sostenibilità Back in October, Mérieux NutriSciences attended the Sustainable Retail Summit in Copenhagen. This event was organized by...
Sustainable Use and Risk of Chemical Pesticides in Europe Pesticides In June 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a new Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection...
Climate Change and Emerging Food Safety Risks Food Safety Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and average temperatures on Earth. These are mainly caused...
Redefining Green Claims to Better Protect Consumers Labeling As governments and society try to move towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future, many claims about...
Sustainable packaging: how do I go about it? Sostenibilità We choose a different entry point in this blog. Are you familiar with the Golden Circle (Why, How, What), by Simon Sinek...
Mérieux NutriSciences acquisisce Blonk e rafforza il suo impegno nel contribuire a rendere i sistemi alimentari più sostenibili Sostenibilità Chicago, IL, 4 aprile 2023 - Mérieux NutriSciences, leader mondiale nel campo della sicurezza, della qualità e della sos...
Road to sustainability management in food industries Sostenibilità Climate change acceleration becomes more and more visible in our day-to-day life, with extreme weather situations, threa...
Welcoming IFS’ first standard on Sustainability Sostenibilità The well-known International Featured Standard organization (IFS) has revealed its new standard called the IFS ESG Check...
Novel Foods and Alternative Proteins Have a Big Role to Play in Decarbonization Sostenibilità While climate change has become a very real challenge facing all of humanity, governments and businesses continue to str...
Limitazione delle microplastiche: alternative degradabili più sostenibili? Blog Pronta la bozza di Regolamento Europeo sulle restrizioni REACH alle microplastiche La Commissione Europea ha recentement...
Corporate Sustainability Report 2021 Blog Pubblicato il nostro Corporate Sustainability Report 2021! Nel 2021, il piano strategico della nostra azienda sono...