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April 11 2023

Food contact materials


Food contact materials are essential in the food sector. In the form of packaging, it contributes to quality and food safety. It makes the product look attractive and differentiates it from other products. At the same time, we see that many companies find food contact materials a tricky part of their product development and innovations. There is a lot involved in demonstrably ensuring food safety.  

Food contact materials  

When we talk about food contact materials, we are talking about materials and objects

  • that are used to package food, or
  • that are intended to come into contact with food (e.g. a bread bag, a stirrer, a batter bowl), or
  • that can reasonably be expected to come into contact with food (e.g. a reusable, plastic carrier bag)

Food safety is paramount 

There is a lot of choice on the market in terms of food contact materials and it is only increasing. New materials and shapes are being developed, knowledge about food safety in relation to applied materials is increasing. This shows the need for extremely careful monitoring with regard to food safety. As an operator in the chain, this is your responsibility.

Legislation around food contact materials 

You have to deal with a lot of legislation regarding food contact materials, both at European and national level. To start with, these are the generally applicable legislations:

Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

There are also requirements at material level; at EC level, sometimes supplemented at national level. Think of plastic packaging, cellophane packaging or coatings on cans.

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